There are several instances you might find yourself needing a storage unit. You might be moving to a smaller place, need a place to store backup appliances because you purchased new appliances, or maybe you inherited your great grandmother’s llama collection. Whatever the case may be, knowing how to pack the storage unit is essential.
Looking At Your Options
First you need to decide how much space you need and if it needs to be climate controlled. Many storage companies offer a variety of sizes and could help you decide what size unit you need. Items such as wood or leather furniture, art supplies, and musical instruments may need a climate controlled storage due to the fact that they could be damaged by extreme temperatures.
Proper Storage Containers
When packing your storage unit, use storage containers or good quality boxes. They might be in there for awhile and you don’t want your boxes to deteriorate and damage the contents. It is a good idea to only use two sizes of boxes to maximize the usage of space by preventing gaps due to uneven box sizes. Don’t use plastic bags to store items because they are prone to grow mold and mildew. Remember that hazardous materials that are flammable, corrosive, or explosive can’t be packed.
Using Labels
When you are packing up your items in boxes, be sure to label the boxes with what is inside. This will make it easier to find that hula dancing llama figurine you saw selling on ebay for a thousand dollars. Be sure to wrap fragile items in bubble wrap and label the boxes as being fragile so they don’t get placed underneath heavy items. If you have furniture that is going to be stored, disassemble it as much as possible before storing. Cover furniture and mattresses with a protective sheet to prevent dust accumulation.
Storing For Priority
The layout of how you pack your storage unit should have the things you need the least placed in the back and things you might need access to in the front. It is a good idea to create an aisle down the middle of the unit so you could access all the things in there without having to empty the entire unit. If the unit you are using is outdoors, place pallets on the ground to prevent pests from getting into the boxes. If you have anything that holds liquid, it should be drained and dried completely before packing. Utilize as much space as possible; fill in any hollow areas such as the inside of a fridge or drawers.
Taking Advantage of Vertical Space
Try to pack the unit smartly and keep a map of the things you are putting in there for later accessibility. Pack vertically and stack boxes with the heaviest items on bottom so the contents don’t get crushed. If you know that there are items that you will need access to frequently or in the near future, consider purchasing a shelving unit to put at the front of the storage unit to keep those items on. That way you don’t have to worry about digging through boxes to find an item.
Taking these steps will help utilize your storage unit to hold the most items without needing to purchase extra space. It will also keep your items safe and easy accessible if needed and keep great grandma’s llama collection safe.
Call Great White Movers, your local Fort Worth Tx movers, for more information!