Couple measuring their apartment doorway

How to Help Your Movers Work More Efficiently

Moving Tips

The idea of helping your movers may seem counterproductive at first glance. However, helping your movers to move more quickly and efficiently can help to reduce your overall expenses. After all, in most cases you may be paying for the services of a mover on an hourly basis. Here are some things you can do to reduce your overall moving expense by helping your movers to work more efficiently.

1) P.P.P.P.

One of the most effective things you can do is to follow the golden rule of PPPP. This is an acronym which stands for “Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance.” As far as moving goes, what that means is that by properly planning your move, you can help to ensure that everything runs more efficiently. Most experts suggest that you should prepare to move at least 2 months prior to moving to your new location.

2) Separate Items You Don’t Want Your Movers To Handle

In the midst of preparing for a move, chances are that you’ll find an abundance of items you’ll want to keep on you, in person. Some of those include chargers, maps, cigarette lighters and your phone. It would be beneficial for you to separate items that you don’t want your movers to handle so that they can just focus on all the items they need to move.

3) Defrost And Clean Your Refrigerator

Forgetting to properly prepare your refrigerator can significantly increase the amount of time that you’ll have to pay for moving services. Therefore, ensure that you remove all items from the refrigerator and defrost it as well.

4) Drain Anything That Uses Gasoline

Regardless if you own a gas operated mower, blower, weed whacker or chainsaw, ensure that you drain all items that use gasoline. Federal laws stipulate that movers cannot transport items which still have gasoline in them. You can save your movers some time by removing the fuel from all gas operated items.

5) Get Your Friends To Help

At first glance you may say to yourself, “If I hired professionals to move my items, why would I ask my friends to help them?” As mentioned above, the less time your movers spend throughout the entire moving process, the more money you’ll be able to save. In some cases, this could be hundreds of dollars. Therefore, don’t shy away from the possibility of asking your friends to help with some of the smaller items. They can help to speed things up and provide some well needed support.

6) Measure Doorways and Furniture

One of the biggest mistakes many people make is that they wait on their movers to check the measurements of their furniture and doorways. This is because people assume that since they got something into the house in the first place, their movers should have no issue moving it out. However depending on how long you stayed at the property, you may have forgotten important aspects of moving certain large furniture pieces such as the fact that you had to remove the sofa’s legs when you initially moved into your current location. Therefore, it literally pays to measure your doorways and furniture to determine if you’ll have to remove the legs or other section of a furniture that’s too big for the doorway.


When it’s all said and done, based on the expenses that are associated with moving, it would be beneficial for you to practice your due diligence. Evaluate multiple aspects of the moving process and figure out  what you can do ahead of time in order to help your movers work more efficiently.

moving costs, moving preparation

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